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The issues and opportunities surrounding cloud computing gained considerable notice in 2008 within the information security community. The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) was formed in early December 2008.

In mid 2009, Keith Prabhu, then a Senior Manager with Deloitte, was looking for a global organization that was working towards Cloud security standards. After a few online searches, he quickly realized that CSA was the organization with pretty much the same objectives that he had. Luckily CSA was interested in setting up chapters across the world and was inviting applications.

Keith quickly gathered some of the leading information security professionals in Mumbai and sent across an application to CSA which was accepted. In mid 2009, CSA, Mumbai Chapter was formed.

Selected Milestones for CSA, Mumbai Chapter

2009: CSA, Mumbai Chapter founded

2010: Contributed to creation of Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM), the world’s only meta-framework of cloud-specific security controls, mapped to leading standards, best practices and regulations 

2010: Helped create the first and only user credential for cloud security, the Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)

2011 – 2017: Supported dissemination of Cloud security knowledge through events

2015: Helped ISC² create the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), a new cloud security certification 

Founding Members

  • Keith Prabhu
  • Nitin Khanapurkar
  • Lucius Lobo
  • Vijay Mukhi
  • L S Subramanian
  • Nilesh Burghate
  •  K K Mookhey